How far is it from kelowna to fernwood, bc by car?

The direct journey from Kelowna to Victoria is 473 km and should have a journey time of 6 hours and 23 minutes in normal traffic. If you are going on a road trip.

The direct journey from Kelowna to Victoria is 473 km and should have a journey time of 6 hours and 23 minutes in normal traffic. If you are going on a road trip. The closest city halfway is Hope, British Columbia, located 149 miles from Kelowna, BC and 147 miles from Victoria, BC. This location is 147.27 miles from Kelowna, BC and Victoria, BC, and it would take approximately 3 hours and 3 minutes to reach the midpoint from both locations.

It takes approximately 11h 36m to get from Spokane to Kelowna via Spokane International Airport Concourse C, Spokane Airport, Nelson, BC - 601 Vernon Street and Nelson, BC. If you want to be halfway between Kelowna, British Columbia and Victoria, British Columbia, or just stop in the middle of your trip, the exact coordinates of the midpoint of this route are 49.372196 and -121.450050, or 49º 22' 19.9056 N, 121° 27' 0.18 W.