Does victoria bc have good weather?

Located in the subMediterranean area, Victorians enjoy one of the most moderate climates in all of Canada. Victoria has an average of 2,193 hours of sunshine per year and an eight-month frost-free season.

Does victoria bc have good weather?

Located in the subMediterranean area, Victorians enjoy one of the most moderate climates in all of Canada. Victoria has an average of 2,193 hours of sunshine per year and an eight-month frost-free season. The average annual rainfall is 58.3 cm (23 inches compared to more than 50 inches in New York). In Victoria, summers are cool, dry and partly cloudy, and winters are very cold, humid and mostly cloudy.

Throughout the year, the temperature generally ranges from 37°F to 66°F and is rarely below 28°F or above 72°F. Victoria has a Mediterranean-type climate, with mild, rainy winters and cool, dry summers. Daily temperatures rise above 30°C on an average of just one day a year and fall below -5°C on an average of just 2 nights a year.